5 Steps to Leading High Performing Teams

Fun Team Building with Larry Lipman

Are your high performance teams rowing in the same direction?


High performing teams are not something that naturally occur in the workforce; they are built by leaders acting intentionally to get the most out of their teams. Having an effective group is key to maximizing your potential success.


5 Steps To Building High Performing Teams


    1. Create a Clear Vision. In order for individuals to work well, they need to know where they should be headed. One common goal will unite and motivate them to put effort into the team. Communicating about these genuine goals will align everyone together and fulfill the vision.
    2. Build Relationships and Trust. As the team leader, you are the coach. It is your responsibility to get to know your employees by building relationships with them. Be genuine and show your true self with them. People respect leaders who are able to speak about their vulnerability and laugh at themselves, and when employees feel comfortable with you, they will trust you. This trust will create more collaboration, better ideas, and better results.
    3. Create Commitment. High performing teams work when individuals are committed to a goal and the people they are working with. Loyalty comes when everyone feels the responsibility and ownership for a project. There is no negative mood or blame placed on anyone; it is one team effort with everyone committed to moving forward.
    4. Hold Review Meetings. As the leader, it is your job to teach, correct team mistakes, and encourage good work. There is no better way to do this than with consistent review meetings. Use positive reinforcement to encourage good ideas and correct any behaviors that are hindering the team. Also, ask for feedback in these meetings about your leadership style. You will never improve if you don’t also receive feedback, and showing that vulnerability will increase trust with your employees.
    5. Effectively Manage Breakdowns. Everyone will have some bumps in the road, whether it’s from business being slow, a bad apple in the group, or simply employee turnover. The leader must be able to effectively manage these situations quickly and effectively. The faster everyone can return to work, the faster you can keep moving towards your goal and continuing to lead your high performing team.


Fun Team Building Can Help Your Team Become High Performing

Fun Team Building with Larry Lipman is an Atlanta based organization and wants to help your team come together to unite towards one goal. Larry can help you manage breakdowns, build relationships and trust with your employees. Call him at (770) 333-3303 to hear more about how he can help!

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