Why Fun is an Important Element of Team Building

Fun Team Building Ropes Course.

Fun Team Building Ropes Course.

Let’s be real: How many have you been to team building activities and dreaded them? If your answer is yes, you are not alone.

In a 2012 Wakefield Research survey of 1,000+ office workers, respondents revealed the following:

  • 49% work with a know-it-all
  • 44% work with a whiner and
  • 31% dislike team building activities

If your work environment is filled with know-it-alls and whiners, why in the world would you want to spend a day building trust with the team? The answer is you would not – but what if there was a better way?

Think Outside of the Box

It turns out that if you add FUN into team building activities, employees are apt to let their guard down and collaborate on non-work related projects that help everyone to see each other’s human side. Here are some popular activities:

“By offering different types of team building exercises, I am able to engage reluctant participants and break down communication walls,” stated Larry Lipman, Team Building Success Coach.

4 Reasons to Focus on Teambuilding

There are some major benefits to team building and if your facilitator can add fun and engaging activities – all the better. Here are four great reasons to team build in a fun way:

  1. This is an opportunity to bring remote colleagues together.
    Because virtual offices are becoming the wave of the future, many times individuals are unable to come together because they are spread out all over the country. What better way to get them together than to “meet and greet” at a fun team building event?
  2. You get to experience a different side of your team members.
    Chances are you really don’t know the people you work with every day. Maybe a few; but you are entirely too busy to chit-chat. You work your 8-10 hours a day and go home. But many times, if you really explored who your teammates were, you might find out that you actually like them!
  3. The know-it-all might be open to new ideas.
    The know-it-all has probably been with the organization for years and they are acutely aware of way things have been done for the last 25 years. They don’t want to change – nor do they think there is any benefit in doing so.By bringing them to a neutral area and allowing their thoughts to be heard and in turn, hearing the thoughts of others, may turn the corner for them in two ways: 1) they will be respected for what they know and 2) they may see the future growth of the company relies on some change.
  4. The whiner can get some help.
    When someone whines at your organization, they are giving you a cry for help. They can’t get their work finished in a timely manner due to one or more obstacles.Effective team building exercises will focus on how everyone can help – but do it in a positive, nurturing way.

Fun Team Building is based in Atlanta and is obviously focused on FUN! Owner Larry Lipman will travel to your company or organization’s location and energize and invigorate your team with many great activities. Give Larry a call at 770-333-3303 today to get started building an effective team today!

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