5 Love Lessons To Use With Your Teammates Every Day

This Valentine's Day, Are You Going to Take These Love Lessons and Extend Them to Your Teammates?

This Valentine’s Day, Are You Going to Take These Love Lessons and Extend Them to Your Teammates?

Valentine’s Day is Saturday and regardless whether or not you are celebrating it this year, you know many of the traditions that go along with this special day  – from flowers to a dinner at a top-notch restaurant. While I’m not saying you need to lavish expensive gifts on your teammates, there are little gestures you can do this week to help your team grow closer together.

5 Ways to Spread the Love

Get to Know Each Other

People who are in love listen to their significant other and make special plans with them. They know what kind of chocolate they like and where their favorite restaurant is.

What do you really know about your teammates? Maybe start by going out to lunch and learning more about each other’s interests, likes and dislikes. When you listen and show that you remembered what was said, that is a true sign of caring.

Learn About Them 360

I don’t think you truly can love someone until you know them from a 360 degree perspective. That is why when you are dating you meet a number of people in their lives; parents, siblings, children, extended family and friends.

Same goes in the work environment – try and learn more about your teammates – especially when it comes to their family. Be supportive when they have family issues, such as a sick parent, and when they have joyous occasions, such as the birth of child or grandchild.

Say Thanks

Because Valentine’s Day usually involves flowers, candy and perhaps even a gift, the right thing to do is send a thank you card right after the evening and thank your date for all the gifts and such a wonderful time.

Send hand written thank you notes when your team members do something extraordinary and you will see your relationships grow because they will know you care!

Really Listen

I think relationships work when the person you are dating listens to understand. They don’t listen to defend or respond. They want to get to know you better and they want to understand how you feel and think.

This transfers into the work environment as well. Listen to understand and then work collectively toward a solution that will meet the needs of your fellow teammates.

Plan Something Special

Let’s face it; Valentine’s Day is a special day for romantics. You get dressed up, go somewhere nice and spend time with someone you love. You hopefully are greeted with flowers, candy and gifts. You appreciate each other more because the occasion is special, as it should be.

Why not plan something special for your teammates? Plan a day away from the office and hold a team building event!

Looking for a Great Facilitator for You and Your Teammates?

At Fun Team Building, Larry Lipman runs a team building day specifically designed to help your team reach their goals! Larry and I wish you a fantastic Valentine’s Day! After one of his programs, you will know how to spread the love. Give Larry a call at 770.333.3303 for more information.

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